Saturday, February 22, 2025

2025 Fall Twirler Announcements - Stephen F. Austin State University

Hello Texas Twirl Fans!

It is that exciting time of year where twirlers are auditioning for twirling spots for the Fall. This blog hopes to help spread the excitement by announcing the selections for the lovely twirlers we will see on the field very soon in Texas or representing out of State. If you have an announcement for new twirler selections for 2025-2026, please email so that we can help spread the word! 

Today we announce the new 2025-26 Stephen F Austin State University Twirl-O-Jacks!

SFA, located in Nacogdoches, TX, has a "timeless" reputation regarding baton twirlers thanks to their Twirl-O-Jack twirling line. The TOJ's are know for their "Grace...Poise...Style!" They perform at football games and many events representing their University.

The Lumberjacks are also proud to annually present their Feature Twirler who performs separate, but  complimentary, of the TOJs! Auditions for both the Feature Twirler position and the Twirl-O-Jacks were held this weekend on the SFA Campus. 

For 2025-26 the SFA Community is excited to welcome back Lumberjack Feature Twirler, Kellen Coke! This will be Kellen's Senior Season and her 4th year wowing the crowds at SFA. 

The 2025-26 Twirl-O-Jack twirling line will be led by returning Head Twirl-O-Jack, Clair Hunter, and Assistant Head Twirl-O-Jacks, Reese Richardson and Avery Bryan. These ladies will be joined by Maddie Minter, Amairanie Banuelos, Elizabeth Smith, Elizabeth Bruwer, Natalie Joseph, Adriana Munoz, Ashlyn Vest, Sarah Woodworth, and Caitlin Drenna. 

During the auditions, they also named the new TOJ Purple Team, which is a select group that does additional performances around the campus and community. Congrats to Kellen, Clair, Reese, Avery, Sarah, and Adriana for also earning their spot on the Purple Team. 

Congrats to Feature Twirler Kellen, Head Twirl-O-Jack Clair, Asst. Head Twirl-O-Jacks Reese Richardson & Avery Bryan, and all the 2025-26 Twirl-O-Jacks. We know you all will continue the T-O-J tradition of exciting and original performances this coming Fall. Axe Em Jacks!

We hope you have enjoyed this blog post. We are always looking for great new stories about Texas twirlers. Do you have an idea or some information we could use to help highlight our sport? Contact us at and we would love to hear more about it.