Hello Texas Twirl Fans!
The final week of October means we are almost into competition time, and football season is starting to wrap up. It also means our senior twirlers are beginning to have the “lasts” of their final football seasons in their current positions. We hope all of them are making amazing memories and enjoying every moment!
Each season this blog likes to get to know many of our awesome Texas twirlers a little better by learning about their experiences. We will be meeting many High School twirlers throughout the season with the Friday Night Lights Features and discovering more about our Texas Collegians with the Collegiate Twirler Spotlights. We will also be having many of our High School and Collegiate twirlers take over our social media Story for their Game Days! Make sure to follow us on Instagram @twirlingiscatchingtx or at
facebook.com/twirlingiscatchingtx so you don't miss a thing!
This week’s Collegiate Twirler Spotlight is on the Texas Tech University Twirlers!
Texas Tech University, located in Lubbock, Texas, is the home of the Red Raiders, the Goin' Band from Raiderland, and a legacy of wonderful baton twirlers. Representing in the scarlet and black, the Texas Tech Twirlers have had a history of some fantastic talent representing on the field for many, many years, and this year if definitely one of the books! Led by former Texas Tech Feature Twirlers and Coaches, Bethany Tolley & Amanda Tolley, the 2024 Texas Tech Twirlers are made up of a Feature Twirler, a Head Twirler, and a twirling line. They work together on the field to entertain the crowds and support their Red Raiders.
This year the TTU Twirlers include Feature - Kirby Stanek, Head Twirler - Laney Whitefield, and Line Members Sophie Carnes, Taryn Fojtik, Anna Lilie, Addison Lee, Kaelyn Wood, Kiana Schraufnagel, Lauren Feltner, and Sommer Wermes!
To learn more about life at Tech, we talked to Feature Twirler, Kirby, and Head Twirler, Laney, about their experiences. As always, we first wanted to know what brought them to Texas Tech to begin with. Lubbock Native, Kirby, told us it had always felt like home. “I have grown up in Lubbock and taken from Bethany Tolley since I was 5 years old, so I knew I had to continue twirling for her in college.” Laney says she came for the academics and the twirling combined. “I chose Texas Tech because of the amazing nutrition program, the twirling program, and the enthusiastic fans.”
In order to get their spots, they had to go through the annual audition process. As Laney told us more about it. “After completing your audition packet, you will visit Lubbock for our in-person auditions. During auditions you will learn a group routine, perform your personal audition routine, and interview with a panel of judges.” For Kirby, the process to become the Feature Twirler had a few more steps. “Trying out for the Feature position begins with making sure you can do each of the required tricks. Then I had to send in a video for our coach and band director, which compiled videos of me twirling in competition, on the high school field, and at other events I have twirled at. After you make it past that round you go to in person try-outs. This includes performing a 3-minute routine to a song in front of a panel of judges, followed by an interview.”
Through their years at Tech, they have had some amazing experiences, so we wanted to know their favorite thing about attending TTU. According to Kirby, “there are so many things I love about Texas Tech. My favorite must be the unbeatable atmospheres on game days. We have a new South Endzone this year, and it has made football games better than ever! No matter the sport, people all over Lubbock will show up to support our teams. Whether you are in college or not you will have a blast at every game!” Laney also loves all things Game Day, but says the academics have really heightened her love for the school. “The professors at Texas Tech are very passionate about their subjects and care about each student’s well-being and success.”

There are also many moments that stick with them as wonderful memories. Laney’s is when they do the Matador song. “At the end of every rehearsal and game, the Goin’ Band’s Leadership plays the Matador Song while the rest of the band sings along. It is such an amazing moment.” Kirby says there are so many great opportunities as a Tech Twirler, but one that she will always remember is when they got to perform in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade last year in New York City. “We also got to perform on the Today Show and meet Hoda and Jenna. It was definitely one of the most amazing experiences.”
Finally, we had to hear about the Tech Traditions! As Kirby tells us, the tortilla game at Tech is really strong. “One of our favorite traditions is at every game people will throw tortillas onto the field at kick-off. It definitely shocks anyone new to a Tech game!” Laney agrees with the tortilla throwing, but also mentioned several other amazing TTU Traditions. “There are so many great traditions at Texas Tech. A few of our favorites (besides the tortillas) are the Victory Bells after we win a game or Raider Power!
Now that we have learned more about Tech, let's learn more about the twirlers!
Feature Twirler - Kirby Stanek, SeniorKirby, who is from Lubbock, Texas, has been twirling for 16 years and is coached by Bethany Tolley. At Tech she is majoring in Sports Management with a minor in Public Relations. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was when she was named College Miss Majorette of the Southwest and Collegiate Twirling Champion at the 2023 Southwest Regionals. In baton twirling,she has been most inspired by the many awesome college twirlers that have come before her. “I have always looked up to the college twirlers and winning College Miss Majorette of the Southwest just confirmed that I had reached one of my biggest goals! My collegiate routine was my most memorable routine, I had a no drop and it was the most fun I ever had in a routine at a competition.” Her favorite competition trick is a 4 spin catch blind and her favorite field trick is a Toss Double Leap catch in roll over. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by former Tech Feature, Sydney Webster. “Sydney Webster is the reason why I got into Baton Twirling. She has always been an older sister to me, and I will never forget following her around at competitions and Tech games. Now having the same position as her when she was at Tech is super cool!” After graduation, Kirby plans to go into Sports Management. “Being a Sports Management Major, I have always known I want to continue working in the sports world. I really hope to become a coach or athletic director so that I can impact kids the same way my coach, Bethany Tolley, has impacted me.”
Fun Facts: - Favorite Color: Red! DUH!
- Favorite TV show or Movie: Love Island
- Favorite Book or Podcast: Anything Colleen Hoover
- Favorite Food or Drink: Iced Coffee!
Favorite Quote or Life Motto...
Philippians 4:13 - “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
When she is not twirling, she loves to...
"Spend time with my family and friends."
Something people might not know about her is...
"I played volleyball from 5th grade through High School and absolutely loved it. Being a part of two sports has definitely helped me in so many ways over the years! Being a varsity captain and feature twirler gave me more insight into being a successful leader."
The best non twirling life skill she has gained from baton twirling is...
"Confidence. Before I twirl in front of the thousands of people on gameday, I tell myself to have confidence. I’m the one who got myself here, and being confident in myself helps me shine on the field! It also helps me in my day-to-day life. I speak in public better and have over all more confidence in the things I do every day."
Most memorable advice from her coach...
"One of Bethany’s favorite things to say to me is “Show if Off!”. This has completely changed how I twirl. I don’t focus on trying to be completely perfect, I focus on having fun and showing off each of my tricks. The more sass and fun you are having, the more the audience will be drawn into watching you."
Advice to future collegiate twirlers...
"Enjoy every second of where you are at. Work hard every day and push yourself to be better. Have fun and show off your tricks. What your face is saying says more than what your body is saying. With this being my last year, I tell everyone to soak in every second because it seriously flies by!"
Favorite memory as a baton twirler...
"Every game day makes a new favorite memory for me. I absolutely love performing on the field in front of people. Hearing our drumline begin to play, taking the field by myself, and hearing the crowd go crazy, is an exhilarating feeling. But my favorite twirling memory that I will have forever is twirling in New York City. Five-year-old Kirby would never believe that she would perform on the streets of New York in front of millions of people."
Funniest memory as a baton twirler...
"There are too many funny memories to pick just one. Our team can make anything funny, I definitely laugh at every practice we have."
Favorite thing about your university's marching band program...
"The Goin Band is one big family. I love how we laugh together at every rehearsal and know that we are all in it together."
Favorite tradition or inside joke within your band program...
"One of my favorite traditions is after every rehearsal our leadership team will play the Matador Song. No matter the outcome of the game or how our practice went, we all come together and sing our school song."
Something you are really looking forward to this field season..."I am most looking forward to every performance that we have, especially game days. I hope to make my last year twirling my best year! Soaking up every last second performing in The Jones!"
Head Twirler - Laney Whitefield, SeniorLaney is from Granbury, Texas. She has been twirling for 15 years and is coached by Vicki Ray of the Vick’s Chicks as well as Bethany Tolley. She is a Nutrition and Dietetics Major that is also a member of the Student Dietetics Association. The competition placements she is the proudest of has been earning Top 5 and Top 10 placements in all of her events at Nationals for the past two years. Her favorite competition trick is anything rolls, and her favorite field trick is a one turn illusion. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by former Tech Head Twirler, Emma Zuar. After graduation, Laney plans on attending a master’s program and completing her dietetic internship!
Sophie Carnes, SeniorSophie is from Corpus Christi, Texas, and is coached by Catherine Lattimore. She is majoring in Kinesiology and minoring in Psychology. She is also the Co-founder and Vice president for an organization called The Collegiate Companions for Hospice and a kinesiology ambassador!
Taryn Fojtik, SophomoreTaryn is from Damon, Texas, and is coached by Jana Reid of Jana’s School of Dance. She is a pre-speech major that is also a member of the Pre-SLHea.
Anna Lilie, FreshmanAnna is from Austin, Texas, and is member of Twirl ATX where she is coached by Whitney Coons as well as Ashley Wood. She is a Kinesiology major, and while she is not in any other school organizations yet, she hopes to get involved after marching season is over.
Lauren Feltner, FreshmanLauren is from Omaha, Nebraska, and is a member of the Sue’s Stepperettes. She is a biology major and plans on joining The Collegiate Champions for Hospice Club.
Sommer Wermes, FreshmanSommer is from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and is a member of Julie’s Touch of Silver. She is majoring in BioChemistry for pre-pharmacy with minors in Spanish and Biology, and at Tech she is a member of the ¡Sà Club de Español!
Kiana Schraufnagel, FreshmanKiana is from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and is a member of Julie’s Touch of Silver. She is majoring in Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience, and while she is not in any other organizations yet, she hopes to join some after the marching season.
Addison Lee, FreshmanAddison is from Goldthwaite, Texas, and is a member of Twirl ATX where she is coached by Ashley Wood as well as Whitney Coons. She is majoring in Marketing and also plans to study abroad in Spain to get a Minor in Spanish. At the moment she is not involved in any non twirling organizations, but would love to maybe be in a book club.
Kaelyn Wood, FreshmanKaelyn is from Piedmont, Oklahoma, and is coached by Vicki Ray of Vick’s Chicks. She is majoring in Architecture and is not in any non-twirling organizations yet.
Favorite Colors: - Sommer - “Pink”
- Sophie - “Teal”
- Anna - “Pink, Blue and Purple”
Favorite TV shows or Movies: - Sommer - “My favorite movie is ‘Flipped’. I love a good romance.”
- Anna - “I love ‘The Office’ but I have currently been obsessed with ‘Your Honor’.”
- Sophie - “I absolutely adore watching ‘How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days’, ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’, and ‘10 Things I Hate About You’!”
Favorite Books or Podcasts: - Lauren - “Recently I’ve been listening to the Crime Junkie podcast! I love a good murder mystery!”
- Kaelyn - “I don’t really read or listen to Podcasts, math is more of my thing.”
Favorite Foods or Drinks: - Taryn - “Diet Cherry Coke.”
- Lauren - “My favorite food is macarons, and my favorite drink is an iced chai from Scooters!”
- Kiana - “I love cheese curds and custard.”
- Kaelyn - “Brownies and strawberry lemonade.”
Favorite Quote or Life Mottos: - Taryn - “If you ain’t first you’re last.”
- Kiana - “Never give up and always believe in yourself and always have faith.”
- Addison - “‘As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on—in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.’ -Morrie Schwartz… This quote comes from one of my all time favorite books Tuesdays With Morrie. I read it in my English 3 class my junior year of high school and it really touched my heart and I thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and deep emotion of the book.”
When they are not twirling, they love to… - Sophie - “I love to workout, watch movies, and hangout at coffee shops!”
- Kiana - “When I’m not twirling I love volunteering and bringing awareness to mental health.”
Something people might not know about them…- Kiana - “A fun fact people don’t know about me is I’m a third generation dancer.”
- Kaelyn - “I have been twirling for 13 years.”
The best non twirling life skill they have gained from baton twirling is...- Anna - “I learned how to talk to people and have and hold a conversation, as I was painfully shy and the interviews from twirling have taught me those very important life skills.”
- Kaelyn - “Discipline and pushing myself to work outside of my comfort zone for growth.”
Most memorable advice from their coach... - Anna - “Whitney always tells me to just be myself and trust myself that I have worked hard and to just let it show!”
Advice to future collegiate twirlers or those in the audition process... - Taryn - “Try to take in every moment of game days, even when they can be somewhat stressful. You have 4 years to be stressed about homework and everything else, let twirling be the thing you look forward to every day.”
- Lauren - “My advice would be to be prepared mentally. Auditions can be very stressful, so you have to remember to stay in a good head space! I like to do this by listening to music.”
Favorite memory (on or off the field) as a baton twirler...- Lauren - “One of my favorite memories was meeting Kirby, the Feature Twirler for Tech, at nationals two years ago in the practice gym! If it wasn’t for that interaction, I would not have ended up here at Texas Tech!”
- Addison - “I have had dreams of being a TTU twirler since I started twirling and during the first pregame when the masked rider rode in and the football boys ran in the stadium it was so electric, and my dreams came to reality. It was just so exciting and something I will always remember.”
Funniest memory as a baton twirler... - Sommer - “During my first game, I was hit by a tortilla in the stands as we were cheering on the red raiders!”
- Taryn - “When I got pranked into thinking I wasn’t supposed to have driven 9 hours home, because we had a team meeting right before winter break.”
Favorite thing about your university's marching band program... - Sommer - “I absolutely LOVE everything about pre-game! It’s so fun getting to march through the band and I love carrying on the traditions here at TTU!”
Favorite tradition or inside joke within your band program...- Sophie - “Our band directors are very fun and interesting people. Last year, one of our band directors was asking the band members to move back to measure M so he said, “M for mommmmmy” and now I always quote that with band members!”
Something you are really looking forward to this field season... - Addison - “I am looking forward to performing all the different routines in the Jones. I love that the band does a different show for every game which makes halftime so memorable and exciting. Overall living out this dream truly makes me so happy and excited for this season.”
We want to thank Feature Twirler - Kirby, Head Twirler - Laney, and the Texas Tech Line Twirlers for sharing their Game Day with us, and we know they will continue to wow the crowds in Lubbock all year long. Wreck Em Tech!
We hope you have enjoyed this blog post. We are always looking for great new stories about Texas twirlers. Do you have an idea or some information we could use to help highlight our sport? Contact us at texastwirlcontact@gmail.com and we would love to hear more about it.