Texas Twirl Fans! One of the goals of this blog is to raise awareness
of those in the Texas twirling community. We also hope to educate our
younger twirlers on opportunities available to them or
experiences they can pursue. To close out the Collegiate Twirler Spotlight series for the season, our next two editions will
be with twirlers who chose to go out of state to twirl in college so that we can learn why they made the decisions they
Texans, we obviously know why someone would want to come here! However, it is always good to hear why our State is so awesome from an outsider. This
week we are talking to three nationally known twirlers that could have
chosen to go almost anywhere in the USA, but decided
that for college they would call Waco, Texas their home away from home.
For today’s Collegiate Twirler Spotlight,
we are talking to the three beautiful and talented Baylor Golden Girls –
Adaline Bebo, Phoebe Carr, and Merri-Frances Dmitrzak.
Baylor Golden Girls are a Texas twirling institution, and a position
that has been held by many amazing twirlers. Some recent notable Alum
includes the 2012 Miss Texas, DeNae Couch, the 2016
Miss Texas, Caroline Carothers, Tori Mays, Mattison Torres, Kelsey
Vaughn, Michaela Tennison, Allison Hatfield, and Scottie Hagen. The
Golden Girls, led by instructor Lynn Dell Harrell, uphold a long
standing tradition of twirling excellence as a part of the
Baylor Golden Wave Band. These twirlers do audition annually for their
position, but once a twirler has been named a “Feature” twice, they are
then guaranteed their position for subsequent seasons.

girls have been having a great time as part of the Baylor community.
They all three named “The Baylor Line” as their all-time favorite school
tradition. According to Merri-Frances, the Baylor
Line “is when the freshman students run onto the football field before
the football team runs out to start the game”. Phoebe tells us “it is
one of the most exciting, yet terrifying things to experience”. Adaline
feels the same and tells us that “we are
the only school in the nation that does anything like it!” Adaline is also a fan of the tradition of “Tortilla Tossing” off the suspension bridge.
when it comes to being a part of the Baylor Golden Wave Band, these
ladies have two different traditions they love. Phoebe’s favorite is
after a winning game, the band
likes to chant “Bears won, Bears won, Bears won. Let’s go home.”
She says it accurately describes the band’s reaction to the win. “We
are excited for our victory, but also exhausted… after 5 hours of
practicing before the game, performing during the
game, and performing a post-game show”.
Adaline and Merri-Frances enjoy being in on a band specific moment during the singing of the Alma Mater.
Adaline tells us “when the band sings our Alma
Mater, there is a part when the band adds a “Whoosh!” and swings our
“Sic ‘em” (the bear claw hand). I love it because at any event… you can
see and hear exactly who is a part of the BUGWB
family, past and present”. Merri-Francis says “It’s an inside band story that mostly only band members know. So, I won’t tell you why. Join the band and you will find out!”
this much time together has to result in some awesome inside jokes. All
three girls named the same inside joke as their favorite, and it is
what they call an “Adi”.
Phoebe describes this phenomena by telling us that “although
Adaline is a very graceful twirler, sometimes she would have moments
where the baton would go straight to the ground. Any time we have a
silly drop, we call it an Adi”. Merri-Frances expands
on that by telling us how an “Adi” moment led to naming an exchange
“The Blackout” (yes, a black eye was involved!). What does Adaline have
to say about this? “Well…”. We know every twirler has
had their share of “Adi” moments. Makes us all feel a little better to
know that a World Team level competitor has her own “silly drop
moments”. Baylor Golden Girls… they are just
like us!
that we know a little more about what it is like to be a Golden Girl
and a member of the Baylor Golden Wave Band, let’s learn a little more
about each of these ladies and how they ended up wearing
the gold and green!
Adaline Bebo,
Sophomore, Competition Level: Elite/Advanced
is from Carmel, Indiana and is a Sophomore Neuroscience and Pre-Law
Major. Adaline has been twirling for 10 years with Coaches Jackie
Stewart and Cheryl Wimberley. The competition titles she
is the most proud of winning are the 2016 Grand National Strut Champions
and Miss Silver Bean of Chicago. Adaline’s favorite competition trick
is her triple leap (left, right, left), forward roll with a back catch.
“It took a long time to build up strength
for it, and I love how unique it is – It always gets a lot of
applause!” On the field, she loves doing side and front aeriels under
tosses with unique catches. “There’s some suspense and it’s usually
something the crowd hasn’t seen before”.
As a twirler, Adaline is most inspired by Hollie Neilson. “She’s
always inspired me to try doing things my own way and keep an open mind
during the creative process”. Adaline
considers her favorite moment of twirling to be when she was performing
in Helsingborg, Sweden with Team USA. “I genuinely had the time of my
life and the performances reminded me why I love twirling and performing
so much”. After graduating, Adaline says
she would “love to work with the government and help to bridge the gap
between science and politics to integrate bio-ethical regulations. I am
also interested in how nutrition impacts neurological functions, so
building awareness in that area is a goal for
Phoebe Carr,
Freshman, Competition Level: Advanced
is from Hartland, Michigan and is a Freshman Biochemisty Pre-Med Major.
Phoebe has been twirling for 10 years with Coaches Patti Jankowki and
Tammy Albrecht. The competition title she is the
most proud of winning is the NBTA Carnival Cup Senior Queen. Her
favorite competition routine is her dance twirl, “it incorporates all of
my favorite tricks”, and her favorite field trick is her two baton.
a twirler, Phoebe is most inspired by Adaline Bebo & Merri-Francis
Dmitrzak. “They are both amazing twirlers and great people too. It is
such an honor to get to twirl with them.” She considers
her greatest moments of twirling to be when she is able to pass her
twirling knowledge on to younger students. When Phoebe graduates she
wants to become a Pediatric Oncologist (doctor who treats kids with
Merri-Frances Dmitrzak,
Senior, Competition Level: Advanced
is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is a Senior History Major.
Merri-Frances has been twirling for 19 years (since she was 7!) with
Coaches Vignoli Parisi, Christine Radi, and Billy
Bruce. On the competition floor or the football field, Merri-Frances
loves any time she gets to twirl multiple batons. “People/fans love
watching the more complex variety… I especially love twirling four
batons, it is such a crowd pleaser. I also enjoy doing
rolls”. While winning the world championship title with her team, the
Modernettes, will always be close to her heart, her favorite titles are the State & Regional championships she has earned
representing Baylor, “because twirling and representing
my school are very important to me, win or lose”.
a twirler, Merri-Frances has been inspired by many amazing twirlers
including her two older sisters LeAnn Chamberlin (former Grand National
Twirling Champion) and Heather Whittaker (2x Miss Majorette
of America, Grand National Twirling Champion, and former Feature
Twirler for The University of Louisville). The former collegiate
twirlers she most admired are PJ Burkin and Karrissa Wimberley. “On the
field, they captivated the audience, no matter what they
were doing”. She also has a great respect and looks up to Savannah
Miller and her “twirling partner in crime”, Adaline Bebo. “They both put all
of their talents out on the field for everyone
to enjoy. Their performances are incredible. I am honored to know each
one of these twirlers”. Her favorite moments in twirling have been on
the field at Baylor. “The Baylor Golden Wave Band has amazing and
outstanding young men and women. We are all one
big family”. After graduation, Merri-Frances plans to find a job
teaching history and “hopefully have the opportunity to pass on to
others what I have learned”.

Fun Facts!
= Blue (Phoebe), Anything Pink & Sparkly – “and green and gold, of
course!” (Adaline), “Green and Gold of course but also any shades of
Blue” (Merri-Frances)
Movie = “GiGi” (Phoebe), any action movie (Merri-Frances), “A Few Good Men” and “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (Adaline)
Television = “I’m a huge Supernatural fan, but Food Network is my guilty pleasure (Adaline)
Band/Music = Disturbed (Phoebe), “I love to practice to pop and EDM, but I love to listen to soft pop or alternative while I study” (Adaline), “I listen to about everything”
Food = Greek Yogurt (Phoebe), Marshmallows and Gummi Bears (Adaline)
Are you involved in any non-band/twirling organizations at school?
- Phoebe = BUMEDS (medical ethics discussion organization)
- Merri-Frances = “Not directly related with
the school but I do a lot of volunteer work with the Army at Fort Hood. I
am part of the Family Readiness Groups that take care of everything on
the home front when the soldiers are home
and/or deployed. We plan activities for the children and families… I
try to participate in as many programs as I can such as helping with the
When they are not twirling they love to…
Phoebe = “Work out and have board game nights with my friends”
Adaline = “Explore Waco and FaceTime with family”
Merri-Frances = “Play with my puppies!!! I
have 2 Siberian Huskies. Kaiden is three years old and Nikko is five
months old. They are my everything, and keep me healthy. We like to go
on family hikes around Texas”
Something most people might not know about me is…
Phoebe = “Before competing in baton, I played tackle football for 5 years”
Adaline = “I used to be a competitive hip-hop dancer, I
love dinosaurs, and I’ve always wanted to go to culinary school!”
Merri-Frances = “I
have a hearing disability and wear hearing aids in both of my ears.
Growing up I have had to overcome many different obstacles”
Favorite Quote/Life Motto…
Phoebe = “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” -Robert H. Schuller
Adaline = “If passion is the input, then success will be the output”
Merri-Frances = “Enjoy the journey you are on, always be a class act and live life to the fullest”
Most Memorable Tip/Advice from your Coach…
Phoebe = “If it looks like a duck, walks
like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. So, if you look
like a great twirler, act like a great twirler, and practice like a
great twirler, you will be a great twirler.”
Adaline = “My
coaches and I have made some really great and funny memories together
over the years, but one of the most memorable and encouraging things
Jackie has ever told me was ‘to go out there and
command the judges to see your unique self’. This really stuck with me
because it taught me not question my abilities or training and to not
compare myself to anyone else.”
Merri-Frances = “Enjoy the journey you are on and everything else will fall where it needs too”
What do you think is the #1 non-twirling life skill you learn from baton twirling?
Phoebe = “Dedication is a key factor
in success. Just how practicing diligently for hours will significantly
improve a twirler’s performance at competitions, diligently focusing on
work or school can also be rewarding”.
Adaline = “Resilience.
From learning to comeback stronger after an injury or crazy drops in a
routine to being willing to take alternative paths in my life when
things don’t go as anticipated, it is a skill that I’m grateful for
every day. Physically and mentally, it has been the skill that has
allowed me to grow and become stronger in everything I do”.
Merri-Frances = “Preparation
is the key for all fundamentals in life. (Also), baton twirling has
helped me come out of my shell and become the person I am. My coaches
and parents have taught
me to always be a class act on and off the football field or
competition floor and I like to tell younger twirlers that it is not all
about the crown or the banner. What is important is you doing your job,
being proud of your performance, and doing what you
Advice or practical suggestion to future Collegiate Twirlers:
Phoebe = “When in doubt, sell a performance
with presentation. Not all conditions on the field will be ideal for
optimal twirling. The best part about twirling in college is that not
everyone knows what a super difficult trick
is. A lot of time people are amazed by the tricks we’ve been doing for
years. It’s good to have a nice balance of difficult tricks and showy
tricks that will catch the audience’s eye”.
Adaline = “Video
everything! One of the hardest things for me prior to auditioning
anywhere was pulling together quality, consistent, and updated videos of
twirling to put into my audition tape! Beyond
that, I highly recommending visiting schools you’re interested in,
going to games to get a feel of the environment, having a good idea of
what academic route you want to take, and putting school as the priority
(as hard as it may be sometimes!)”.
Merri-Frances = “Don’t go to a school just because you have been offered
a twirling position. Go to a university because
it feels like home and you love it. Before Baylor I had the opportunity
to go to a smaller school. I attended Marshall University in West
Virginia. I did not pick Marshall University for
twirling. I picked Marshall because it was right for me at that time in
my life. It is important to select a school that is right for you.”

as both Adaline and Merri-Frances mention picking your college based on
the academics and environment, and not just because you could twirl
there, we have to ask… What made them decide to go
out of State? Adaline summed it up best when she told us “I’ve
traveled the world for twirling, so I’d gotten a taste of what
experiencing other places had to offer. I knew that if I wanted to go
back to Indiana, I could, but an opportunity
to live and experience another culture, meet new people, and gain some
independence was too great to pass up”.
So why Texas? Why Baylor? Phoebe tells us she “chose
to go out of state for twirling for a myriad of reasons. I chose
Baylor because, although it’s on the other side
of the country from my hometown, there was a warming presence that I
felt on campus that basically told me that I was meant to be here, and
that Baylor was to be my “home away from home”. Plus, I really didn’t
want to twirl in the snow anymore. I have twirled
in subzero temperatures and in blizzards, so a change of twirling
conditions was much needed. I love Texas weather so much”. When asked
what gave Baylor that warming presence, Phoebe said “the band director,
twirling director, and the campus in general were
all very inviting when I visited Baylor. I felt a strong spiritual
pull. When I stepped on campus, I knew that this was where I was meant
to be”.
Adaline also mentioned the weather. “The
weather during football season is MUCH better in Texas than Indiana,
plus football and the twirling tradition is much richer. I
used to train in Texas... so it was somewhere I knew well
enough to want to live there”. While we totally understand the desire to
come to Texas, what was it about Baylor that won her over? “I knew as
soon as I walked on campus! Our new stadium and
beautiful buildings are amazing! The science program is very strong and
the religious affiliation was a big draw for me”.
Merri-Frances had a unique situation that brought her to Texas. “My
husband is a Captain in the United States Army and he was transferred
to Fort Hood while I was
still at Marshall University. Once he was settled in Texas, we found
out he was leaving for a deployment. Half way through his deployment I
applied to Baylor to see if I could transfer in. Once I got my
acceptance letter, I knew I found my new home”. What
made Merri-Frances choose to apply specifically at Baylor? “While
looking at University's in Texas, I had to see what was close to our
house and a school that felt like home. Even though I drive 90 minutes
each way, for me, Baylor felt like home. Academically
the teachers are amazing. When you come to Baylor you know you will get
a top of the line educational experience. You can get involved in many
clubs and groups. There is something for everyone”.
know that making a decision to go out of state has to be a hard one,
especially for those close to their family. We asked the Golden Girls
what advice they would give to twirlers thinking about
going out of state. Adaline mentioned “My
family and I are so close that I never imagined living so far away from
them. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that gaining independence teaches
you more about yourself and ends up bringing
you and your family closer, no matter how far you are from each other”.
Phoebe also emphasize the importance of family when making this
decision. “Stay in contact with your family. I text my parents
and my grandma on a daily basis. It feels good to
just hear how their day went and hearing how everything back home is
going”. Merri-Frances agrees with keeping that family connection
strong, but also advises twirlers out of state to make sure to find your
new family. “It can be hard at first being away
from your family but you can create your own friendships that will turn
into a sisterhood or a brotherhood. Get involved as much as you can and
meet new people”.
transition away from family has to be hard, but that is not the only difficulty out of state students face. What would they say was the
hardest part that new collegiate twirlers traveling out of state should
be aware of? Phoebe feels the hardest part was
going somewhere that she didn’t know many people. “No one from my high
school goes to Baylor, so the first few weeks here felt kind of lonely.
Luckily, there are a lot of opportunities to make friends in college”.
Merri-Frances most misses seeing her family
back home in person. “I have two nephews in Pennsylvania and a niece in
Tennessee. It's hard to be away from them. We FaceTime at least once a
week, but it's not the same as being there in person”. Adaline has
learned the hardest part is integrating into new cultures,
but that it can lead to learning to love new things. “T
is totally its own culture and I absolutely love it! Before living
here, I didn’t like Mexican food, but since, I’ve fallen in love with
Tex-Mex! At first, it was difficult
to adjust to new ways of saying things, learning how Texans drive
(especially on I-35!), and finding new places to shop, hang out, and
Great words of advice all around! It was an honor to get to chat with these ladies, and we hope that all the younger twirlers reading will take some of this information to heart when making their own decisions. Texas is very lucky to have these three amazing twirlers here representing our state and Baylor on a national level. A big thank you to Adaline, Phoebe, and Merri-Frances for their time, and a big Sic 'Em Bears for all you Baylor Fans!
hope you have enjoyed another edition of our Collegiate Spotlight. Have
a favorite High School or Collegiate Twirler that you would like to see
interviewed? Please contact us at texastwirlcontact@gmail.com with
their name and email address so that we can reach out to them!