Monday, October 14, 2024

Friday Night Lights Feature - Grand Oaks High School

Hello Texas Twirl Fans!

Another week of those Friday Night Lights has come and gone, and we are already to the UIL Marching Contest part of the season! We want to wish good luck to all our Texas Twirlers performing with their marching bands over the coming weeks, whether you are playing an instrument, spinning with the guard, or twirling your baton. We know this week’s featured High School twirler will be shining on the field as she continues to represent her school!

Each season this blog likes to get to know many of our awesome Texas twirlers a little better by learning about their experiences. We will be meeting many High School twirlers throughout the season with the Friday Night Lights Features and discovering more about our Texas Collegians with the Collegiate Twirler Spotlights. We will also be having many of our High School and Collegiate twirlers take over our Social Media Story for their Game Days! Make sure to follow us on Instagram @twirlingiscatchingtx or at so you don't miss a thing!

Our next Friday Night Lights Feature is the Grand Oaks High School Feature Twirler!

Grand Oaks High School, located in Spring, Texas, is the home of the Grizzlies! It is also home of the wonderful Grand Oaks High School Feature Twirler, Emma Mathe!

Emma Mathe (pronounced Muh-Tay) is actually the first twirler in Grand Oaks school history, but she is not the only name you may recognize from her area. “Simone Biles actually lives in my community!” So cool!

We asked Emma how she was able to secure the spot at the first GOHS Feature Twirler, and she said it was all about communication. “When I was entering high school, there was not an established program. I spoke with the band and color guard directors, and they agreed to allow me to start the program at Grand Oaks!” Since then, Emma has helped establish a Twirler Day and has supported other twirlers during Jr High night!

As the Grand Oaks Feature Twirler, Emma is a big part of the school events, but she says it is really the people that make GOHS what it is. “We have an incredible staff and a spirited student body. Everyone is always cheering each other on, which has created a spirited and supportive atmosphere.”

With such a spirited community, there has to be some great traditions, but we wanted to know Emma's favorite. “399 is definitely the best tradition at my school. 399 is when we have 399 students show up to a sporting event our principal (Mr. Bush) will do any challenge the students say. Last year he had to do the polar plunge after our state champion volleyball team won a game with 399 students in attendance!”

Twirling allows Emma to spend a lot of time within the band program, and they have their own set of traditions and inside jokes, but nothing beats Hey Band! “At each game, we invite the opposing team's drum majors over and ask them questions. My favorite question is whether they are single. If they say no, the entire band boos them, but if they say yes, we cheer!”

Being Emma’s Senior year, we know she is soaking in every moment. The one she is most excited for is her Senior Homecoming, especially the parade! “I am most looking forward to our homecoming parade. Each sport and club gets to bring their own float to walk around the school throwing candy at all of the rising Grand Oaks students. After the parade is over, we gather on the football field for a community pep rally.  The band performs our school song!”

Now that we have learned more about GOHS, let's learn more about Emma!

Emma Mathe,

Competition Level: Advanced

Emma has been twirling for 12 years. She is a member of the Texas Twirlers and is coached by Sue Young. The competition placement she is the proudest of earning was when she won the 2024 Bayou City Classic Advanced Pageant. “It was my very first advanced win!” Her favorite competition trick is anything in her horizontal section, and her favorite field trick is anything three baton or a toss forward roll. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by former College Miss Majorette of America, Emma Carr. After High School, Emma wants to major in movement sciences and minor in psychology with hopes to become an occupational therapist. Also, “one of my biggest goals is to become a feature twirler at a top college in Texas!”

Fun Facts!
  • Favorite Color - Green
  • Favorite Movie - “Mama Mia”
  • Favorite Book - “Out of my Mind”

Must have Game Day Snack/Drink…
“The Berry Nerd Clusters and Blue Powerade.”

Favorite Quote…
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit yourself to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

When she is not twirling, she loves to… 
“Shop, hangout with friends, and play pickleball.”
Something people might not know about her… 
“I am the vice president of TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators) at my school.”

The best non twirling life skill she has gained from baton twirling is… 
“CONFIDENCE!!! Twirling has especially helped me be able to be confident in front of crowds.”

The most memorable advice from her coach… 
“If you drop, smile bigger!”

Advice to future high school twirlers…
“Go to every single event!!! Your 4 years fly by, so make sure to enjoy everything!”

Funniest memory as a baton twirler… 
“One of my funny, but not so funny, moments were last year during a football game, I was performing the halftime show and I was in the middle of a high toss illusion, and I kicked the baton halfway across the field almost hitting a couple band members!! I had to run across the field to grab my baton before the band moved over it! It was definitely not funny at the moment, but now all I can do is laugh at it.”

Favorite thing about marching season…
“My favorite part of marching season is performing the school song and fight song. Our band and football team get incredibly hyped before the game, and hearing them cheer me on is amazing.”

What she will miss most when marching season is over… 

“I will miss all the hard and hot practices with friends, the bus to and from the football games, and most importantly, the actual football game itself!”

We want to thank Emma for sharing their Game Day with us, and we wish her the very best remainder of her senior season. Hope it is full of the best memories. Go Grizzlies!

We hope you have enjoyed this blog post. We are always looking for great new stories about Texas twirlers. Do you have an idea or some information we could use to help highlight our sport? Contact us at and we would love to hear more about it. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Friday Night Lights Feature - Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

Hello Texas Twirl Fans!

Another great weekend of twirling means we are at the halfway point of the regular football season. Can you believe it? Only a few more weeks with these amazing twirlers representing on their High School fields. We hope all of you are enjoying it while it lasts. We know we will miss it! In the meantime, we have another Feature Interview with some of our awesome Texas Twirlers for your reading enjoyment this lovely Wednesday.

Each season this blog likes to get to know many of our awesome Texas twirlers a little better by learning about their experiences. We will be meeting many High School twirlers throughout the season with the Friday Night Lights Features and discovering more about our Texas Collegians with the Collegiate Twirler Spotlights. We will also be having many of our High School and Collegiate twirlers take over our Social Media Story for their Game Days! Make sure to follow us on Instagram @twirlingiscatchingtx or at so you don't miss a thing!

Our next Friday Night Lights Feature is the Claudia Taylor Johnson HS Feature Twirlers!

Claudia Taylor Johnson High School, also known as CTJ, is located in San Antonio, Texas. It also has a great history of baton twirlers! A fun fact about CTJ is that they have the most twirlers in their school District, and you know we love a supportive school with lots of twirlers! This year, the CTJ Feature Twirlers include Sophie O’Reilly, Madisen Curry, and Joslyn Rodriguez!

We asked them what they had to do to earn their spot, and they told us about their audition process. “We have to perform a 2–3-minute routine in front of our band director with a song and routine of our choice.”

Once selected, they get the opportunity to twirl the CTJ Games, which they say is exciting because, “We always have a full stadium at football games.” In addition to games, they get other fun performance opportunities including pep rallies, and even Fiesta! 

They also have lots of fun traditions. Their two favorites involve a jaguar statue and a ceramic cat! “The football team rubs a golden jaguar before every game for good luck! Also, our band mascot is a blue ceramic cat named Matt, and he is brought onto the field with us during retreat at competitions for good luck.”

Now that we have learned more about CTJ, let’s learn more about the twirlers! 

Sophie O’Reilly,

Competition Level: Advanced

Sophie has been twirling since 2018. She is a member of the Legends Baton Club and is coached by Liane Aramaki. The competition title she is the proudest of was being named the 2024 Miss Majorette of the Southwest. Sophie’s favorite competition trick is spins, and her favorite field tricks are any leap combos. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by former College Miss Majorette of America, Emma Carr. After High School, she hopes to become a college twirler and get a degree in political science and international relations.

Madisen Curry,
Competition Level: Intermediate

Madisen has been twirling for around 9 years now. She is a member of the Heart of Texas Baton Twirling team, and is coached By Maryanne Pozzi. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was when she won the South West Texas Model Pageant at Regionals in 2023. Madisen’s favorite competition trick is either neck rolls or any two baton tricks, and her favorite field trick is mouth rolls, “because they are such a crowd pleaser”. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by former UTSA Feature Twirler, Micheal Lopez. “He taught me that the bad days are the ones that push us towards the most success”. After High School, Madisen hopes to attend Texas State University to Major in Nursing, and eventually become a Labor and Delivery Nurse. “I also want to continue with my Bb Clarinet playing, and become a collegiate Baton twirler.”

Joslyn Rodriguez,
Competition Level: Intermediate

Joslyn has been twirling for six years. She is a member of the Twirling Sweet Sensations and is coached by Michele Pangrac. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was when she was named the Beginner Pre-Teen Texas Pageant Winner. Joslyn’s favorite competition skills are her rolls, and her favorite field trick is anything with a high toss. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her coach. After High School, Joslyn hopes to get a teaching degree at Texas A&M. 

Fun Facts!
  • Favorite Color - Red (Sophie), Yellow (Madisen), Dark Green (Joslyn)
  • Favorite Movie or TV Show - “Crazy Rich Asians” (Sophie), “The Summer I Turned Pretty” (Madisen), “10 Things I Hate About You” (Joslyn)
  • Favorite Book - “Rebecca” (Sophie), “Any of the ‘Selection’ Series” (Madisen), “Out of my Mind” (Joslyn)

Must have for Game Days…

  • Sophie - “A sweat towel.”
  • Madisen - “A Dr. Pepper and a granola bar.”
  • Joslyn - “WATER!”

Favorite Quote…
  • Sophie - “Everything happens for a reason.”
  • Madisen - “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not!” - The Lorax
  • Joslyn - “YOLO”

When they are not twirling, they love to…

  • Sophie - “Cook and shop!”
  • Madisen - “Working on my fiesta train and dress, because this upcoming march I will be crowned the 2025 Princess for the San Antonio Lutheran Coronation.”
  • Joslyn - “Hang out with family and friends.”

Something people might not know about them is…
  • Sophie - “I am a peer assistant at my school for special education students.”
  • Madisen - “I tend to either listen to audio books or podcasts instead of listening to music when practicing, working, or driving.”
  • Joslyn - “I like Taylor Swift.”

The best non twirling life skill they have learned from twirling is…

  • Madisen - “The ability to speak to adults in a respectful and educated way.”
  • Joslyn - “Interviewing.”

Best advice from their coach…

  • Sophie - “No matter what, keep smiling!”
  • Madisen - “Working hard doesn’t end when your practice session does, it ends when the goal is finally met.”
  • Joslyn - “Smile!”

Best advice for future High School twirlers…

  • Sophie - “Never be afraid to show off!”
  • Madisen - “Enjoy every moment, because it will be over before you know it.”
  • Joslyn - “Have fun and shine!”

Funniest/Most Fun memory as a twirler…

  • Sophie - “Funny inside jokes between me and my teammates.”
  • Madisen - “My freshman year when we would all do duet tricks with the weirdest catches to see who could have the most unique one.”
  • Joslyn - “The hangouts with my team.”

Favorite thing about marching season…

  • Sophie - “Getting to perform in front of a huge crowd!”
  • Madisen - “When we went to Grand Nationals my freshman year, I got to see a crowd of thousands of people full of excitement and energy ready to experience our show. It was so exciting and really powered my drive to have the best performance I could.”
  • Joslyn - “Getting to show off what I love!”

What are they going to miss the most once marching season is over…

  • Sophie - “Twirling alongside my friends.”
  • Madisen - “I will miss being with my best friends everyday, and enjoying the jokes, laughs, and memories made from being with each other every day, as well as the funny moments from my directors, and of course Friday Night Lights with Claudia Taylor Johnson High School Marching Band.”
  • Joslyn - “Sophie & Madisen!”

We want to thank Sophie, Madisen, and Joslyn for sharing their Game Day with us. It was so fun seeing what it is like to be a CTJ Feature Twirler, and we know they will have a great rest of their season. Go Jags!

We hope you have enjoyed this blog post. We are always looking for great new stories about Texas twirlers. Do you have an idea or some information we could use to help highlight our sport? Contact us at and we would love to hear more about it. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Collegiate Twirler Spotlight - Sam Houston State University Feature Twirlers

Hello Texas Twirl Fans!

As we cross into October, which already puts us almost halfway through football season, we are excited to feature our next collegiate twirlers. We hope you enjoyed following their Instastory Takeover on Saturday, and we know you will enjoy learning more about these awesome twirlers. 

Each season this blog likes to get to know many of our awesome Texas twirlers a little better by learning about their experiences. We will be meeting many High School twirlers throughout the season with the Friday Night Lights Features and discovering more about our Texas Collegians with the Collegiate Twirler Spotlights. We will also be having many of our High School and Collegiate twirlers take over our social media Story for their Game Days! Make sure to follow us on Instagram @twirlingiscatchingtx or at so you don't miss a thing!

Our next Collegiate Twirler Spotlight is the Sam Houston State University Feature Twirlers!

Sam Houston State University (also known as SHSU), located in Huntsville, Texas, is the home of the Bearkats, and the awesome SHSU Feature Twirlers, Lynsey Threadgill, Jeannie Pruett, and Keira Slone. These twirlers, led by SHSU Twirling Sponsor, Kelly McCormick, shine bright on the field as they represent their Bearkats at Elliot T. Bowers Stadium. 

This past Saturday during their takeover, we got to see one of the SHSU Twirler’s favorite games of the year. “Every year, we twirl at a SHSU game that is held at the NRG stadium! Between that game and our Alumni Day, it is definitely a toss-up for which one we look forward to the most. Both events are unforgettable in their own ways and hold a special place in our hearts.”

In addition to these fantastic Game Day experiences, SHSU is rich with traditions celebrated amongst the entire student body, especially Homecoming! “SHSU’s Homecoming week is filled with events like the Homecoming Parade, tailgating, and the Bearkat football game, celebrating school spirit and alumni.”

As well as school traditions, the twirlers and the band program have many of their own, but none of them beats Alumni Day! “Each year, we host High School Twirler and Alumni Day, where twirlers get the chance to perform at Bowers Stadium in front of thousands. One of our favorite memories is from last year when alumni from the 70s returned to perform their pregame routine. It was amazing to see their skills and how they still know how to dazzle the crowd!”

In order to take part in these traditions, the SHSU Twirlers had to go through a specific audition process. “Each year the returning twirlers audition in person, along with an interview. If our band directors choose to open auditions to new twirlers, the candidates must submit an audition video. For those selected, they are asked to perform an in-person three-minute routine and participate in an interview. Traditionally, Sam prefers to have between 1-3 Feature Twirlers.”

Picking Sam Houston to be their new home away from home was an easy choice for all three twirlers. As Jeannie tells us, “I fell in love with SHSU because of its gorgeous scenery and the warm, welcoming community of Huntsville. I stayed at SHSU because of the strong bonds that have been formed between the twirlers, they are like my sisters, and I can’t imagine performing without them.”

Now that we have learned more about Sam Houston, let’s learn more about the twirlers! 

Lynsey Threadgill
, Senior

Lynsey has been twirling since she was seven years old and is currently coached by Lori Perkins. The competition placements she is the proudest of earning was winning AAA Team National Champions at USTA Nationals last year with Dixie Diamonds. Lynsey’s favorite competition and field trick is a toss walkover. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by former Baylor Feature Twirler, Adaline Bebo. After college, Lynsey hopes to make a difference in the world of social services. 

Jeannie Pruett
, Junior
Jeannie has been twirling for around 8 years. She is a member of Twirl ATX and is coached by Whitney Coons. The competition she is the proudest of attending was when she got to represent Sam Houston at the 2023 NBTA Nationals. “The experience of competing at such a prestigious event and representing my school was truly unforgettable. It was a moment where all the hard work and dedication paid off, and it stands out as a highlight of my journey.” Her favorite competition routine is definitely her x-strut, but her favorite competition skill is any illusion trick, and her favorite field trick is any two-baton variation. In baton twirling, Jeannie has been most inspired by her coach. “Whitney has been a remarkable influence on me in countless ways. Her immense talent and dedication to twirling are truly inspiring, but it’s her kindness and the life lessons she’s shared that have left the biggest impact. Whitney has taught me so much about professionalism, grace, and perseverance, and her guidance extends far beyond the twirling field. I’m deeply grateful for her mentorship and the positive mark she’s made on my life, which I’ll carry with me always.” After college, she hopes to secure a career in sales and move back to Central Texas. 

Keira Slone
, Sophomore

Keira has been twirling for 14 years. Her favorite competition trick is anything with three baton and her favorite field trick is a toss kick illusion. In baton twirling she has been most inspired by forever Miss Texas, Caroline Carothers Reed, and her past high school coach, LeaAnn Brown. After college she hopes to become an agronomist. 

Fun Facts!
  • Favorite Color - Pink (Lynsey & Jeannie), Green (Keira)
  • Favorite Movie - “The Princess & The Frog” (Lynsey), “The ‘Walking Dead’ or ‘Master Chef’” (Jeannie), “Gilmore Girls” (Keira)
  • Favorite Book - “Anything Harry Potter” (Lynsey), “I love so many but at the moment, ‘The Housemaid’ by Freida McFadden” (Jeannie), “The ‘I Am Number Four’ series” (Keira)

Must have Game Day snack/drink…
  • Lynsey - “Cheez-Its.”
  • Jeannie - “A good ole Celsius paired with a banana chocolate Kind bar.”
  • Keira - “Arizona Tea and Cheez-Its.”

Favorite Quote…
  • Jeannie - “You’re only as young as you are right now, so enjoy it!”
  • Keira - “Prove yourself to yourself not others.”

When they are not twirling, they love to…
  • Lynsey - “I love to crochet or spend time with my cats.”
  • Jeannie - “Get involved with my sorority, Alpha Chi Omega! I enjoy helping to host philanthropy events and attending sisterhood events with my sisters.”
  • Keira - “Go fishing or camping, spend lots of time with nature.”

Something people might not know about them is…
  • Lynsey - “I am graduating a semester early.”
  • Jeannie - “I have a 2-year-old boxer named Sugar and she’s such a light in my life.”
  • Keira - “I want to travel and be a wildlife photographer when I retire.”

The best non twirling life skill they have learned from twirling is…
  • Lynsey - “The ability to put on a brave face even when I am not feeling my strongest.”
  • Jeannie - “Mastering professionalism and class through activities like modeling interviews for competitions has been invaluable. These experiences have taught me to think quickly and seek out the most unbiased yet genuine perspectives. I’m confident that these skills will greatly enhance my sales career, helping me navigate conversations with clarity and authenticity.”
  • Keira - “Communication and presentation.”

Best advice from their coach…
  • Lynsey - “It isn’t the hardest tricks that matter, it’s your attitude and the show you put on for the crowd.”
  • Jeannie - “When we prioritize having fun while performing, we open ourselves up to a richer, more rewarding experience. We become more resilient, more creative, and more engaged. Our passion shines through when we’re not solely focused on the end result, and that passion is what truly sets us apart.”

Best advice for future College twirlers…

  • Lynsey - “I advise that they really work on the practice/homework/life balance.”
  • Jeannie - “Remember to take every opportunity and cherish every moment as it comes. Fully commit and push yourself to the limit, so you never look back with regrets”
  • Keira - “It’s okay to feel like you are behind as long as you push to catch up and be better.”

Funniest/Most Fun memory as a twirler…
  • Lynsey - “Our nationals trip with my team last year to Ohio.”
  • Jeannie - “Every night, I come home and show my roommates the new bruises from practice like I’m unveiling my latest art installation. I swear they’ve started to believe I’m training for a role as a stunt double.”
  • Keira - “Falling multiple times during practice and performances.”

Favorite thing about marching season…
  • Lynsey - “Getting to perform in the football stadium to fun music.”
  • Jeannie - “My favorite thing about marching season is definitely the pre-game ritual with the twirlers. We gather together to do each other’s hair and makeup, turning her room into our own little glam squad. Between the hairspray and rhinestones, we crack jokes, make funny TikToks, and create memories that are just as special as the performances themselves. It’s these moments of laughter and camaraderie that make the long practices and late nights all worth it. The bond we share while getting ready together is what truly makes the marching season unforgettable.
  • Keira - “Learning new drills and choreography every week!”

What are they going to miss the most once marching season is over…

  • Lynsey - “I will miss getting to put on my orange and white costumes and have fun in Bower’s stadium after I graduate.”
  • Jeannie - “When marching season wraps up, I know I’ll miss so many things. I’ll miss the pre-game ritual of getting ready with the girls, turning it into a mini celebration of its own. I’ll miss performing under the big stadium lights, where every routine feels like a moment of magic. I’ll miss dancing in the stands, feeling the energy and excitement of the crowd. I’ll even miss our post-game Cane’s runs as a team, where we gather to relive the highs and laugh about the day. And, of course, I’ll miss the rhythm of doing it all again the next week. These moments have made this season cherished.
  • Keira - “Getting to perform at Bowers stadium.”

We want to thank Lynsey, Jeannie, and Keira for sharing their Game Day with us. We just love seeing their smiling faces on the field representing Sam, and we wish them a great season. Eat 'em up Kats!

We hope you have enjoyed this blog post. We are always looking for great new stories about Texas twirlers. Do you have an idea or some information we could use to help highlight our sport? Contact us at and we would love to hear more about it. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Friday Night Lights Feature - Steele High School

Hello Texas Twirl Fans!

Welcome to Band-Tober! Every twirler that is a part of their marching band understands that Band-Tober means band, band, and more band all month long! It is an exhausting month, but we all know we love it, especially when it means more and more twirling on those fields!

Each season this blog likes to get to know many of our awesome Texas twirlers a little better by learning about their experiences. We will be meeting many High School twirlers throughout the season with the Friday Night Lights Features and discovering more about our Texas Collegians with the Collegiate Twirler Spotlights. We will also be having many of our High School and Collegiate twirlers take over our Social Media Story for their Game Days! Make sure to follow us on Instagram @twirlingiscatchingtx or at so you don't miss a thing!

Our next Friday Night Lights Feature is the Steele High School Feature Twirlers!

Byron P. Steele High School, located in Cibolo, Texas, is the home of the Knights, and these two awesome senior Feature Twirlers, Micaiah Hubbard & Natalie DeLeon! 

As Seniors, these two have been able to spend their years together in the Black, Silver, and White, representing SHS as both Feature Twirlers and members of the Colorguard. We asked them what the process was to be able to be a Feature Twirler, and they said it all revolved around UIL. “The audition process for both of us was to participate in UIL Region twirling and receive a 1 rating from the judge. Then we could be a twirler the next season.”

A fun fact about Steele is that their mascot was going to be a Penguin, but these twirlers are very happy to be the Knights! As proud Knights, they get to take part in the many wonderful Steele traditions, but they say their favorite by far is the Blackout Pep Rally. “It takes place during homecoming week where everyone goes to our stadium in glowing items. Towards the end of the night the stadium lights turn off and all you can see is everything glowing. We love to bring out our glow batons and wear fun glowing accessories while we perform in front of our school.”

With this being their Senior Season, everything is their last, which has made the season extra special, but also reminds them of what they will miss next year, so they are savoring every moment. They told us the thing they are most looking forward to is the Battle of 3009. “It is a football game where we compete against our rival school. Since both highschools are located on either side of 3009, our entire community comes out to view the game. We both have a lot of fun at this game because we get to see people that we grew up with.”

Now that we have learned more about twirling at SHS, let’s learn more about the twirlers! 

Micaiah Hubbard,

Competition Level: Beginner

Micaiah has been twirling for 4 years. She is a member of the Twirling Sweet Sensations, and is coached by Michele Pangrac. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was winning the 2023 Southwest Regional Basic Skills Pageant. Micaiah’s favorite competition trick is a toss illusion, and her favorite field trick is a toss leap. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her Coach! “Mrs. Michele always pushes me to be my best while remaining one of my greatest supporters.” After high school, she plans to attend college to earn her Bachelor’s in Graphic Design, with the goal of becoming a graphic designer.

Natalie DeLeon,
Competition Level: Intermediate

Natalie has been twirling for 6 years. She is a member of the Twirling Sweet Sensations and is coached by Michele Pangrac. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was when she won the Beginner 13-15 Texas State Pageant. Natalie’s favorite competition series is her Horizontal finger twirls “because I have cute moves/poses.” and her favorite field trick is a thumb toss under the leg catch reverse blind. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by former Miss Texas, Caroline Carothers Reed. After High School, Natalie plans on attending a university in Texas to earn a Bachelor's of Science in Communication Disorders in hopes of becoming a Speech Pathologist.

Fun Facts!
  • Favorite Color - Pink (Micaiah), Orange (Natalie)
  • Favorite Movie - “A Walk to Remember” (Micaiah), “Slumdog Millionaire” (Natalie)
  • Favorite Book - “The ‘Darkest Minds’ Series” (Micaiah), “A Thousand Splendid Suns” (Natalie)

Must have Game Day snack/drink…

  • Micaiah - “An ice-cold Coca-Cola.”
  • Natalie - “Arnold Palmer and Cheese Puffs.”

Favorite Quote…
  • Micaiah - “Don’t let the fear of striking out prevent you from playing the game.”
  • Natalie - “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful” - Annette Funicello

When they are not twirling, they love to…
  • Micaiah - “Writing and composing my own music! I also enjoy playing video games with my sister and dad.”
  • Natalie - “I love to simply just relax and watch tv, but normally I have a ton of homework before I can do that!”

Something people might not know about them is…
  • Micaiah - “I taught myself to play four instruments: acoustic guitar, electric guitar, piano, and violin.”
  • Natalie - “I have a golden retriever puppy that just turned one named Bagel.”

The best non twirling life skill they have learned from twirling is…
  • Micaiah - “The ability to communicate more effectively with others.”
  • Natalie - “Confidence! Especially in things like public speaking.”

Best advice from their coach…
  • Micaiah - “Always have fun while twirling. When you're enjoying yourself, it shows on your face and makes your performance shine even brighter!”
  • Natalie - “Truly enjoying and loving twirling is something that my coach always tells me, and before I go to compete, we always spot each other and do an air high five from across the gym. The little gesture always puts me in the right headspace so I can just go out and have fun!”

Best advice for future High School twirlers…
  • Micaiah - “Have fun and showcase your incredible talents with those awesome tricks, even if you’re feeling nervous. Just go for it!”
  • Natalie - “Cherish every high school event and memory because it will all go by very fast!”

Funniest memory as a twirler…
  • Micaiah - “When I completely forgot a section of my solo and just marched off the floor. I ended up laughing it off with my coach and family.”
  • Natalie - “This year when me and Micaiah were on the sidelines at our game against Reagan there were so many crickets diving and jumping towards us. Whenever a cricket would come close both of us would run away and even sometimes yell. It was scary but hilarious at the same time.”

Favorite thing about marching season…

  • Micaiah - “Performing during halftime with all my friends while wearing my glittering twirling costume.”
  • Natalie - “My favorite thing about marching season is getting to spend it with my best friends, having a great group makes even the long practices worthwhile.”

What are they going to miss the most once marching season is over…
  • Micaiah - “I'll miss the long bus rides with my team and the chance to meet new people from other schools the most.”
  • Natalie - “I will miss everything! Since this is my senior year, every major event is considered my “last” which makes a majority of things bittersweet.”

We want to thank Micaiah and Natalie for sharing their Game Day with us, as well as their joy and love for twirling. We want to wish them an amazing rest of their Senior Season! SK All Day!

We hope you have enjoyed this blog post. We are always looking for great new stories about Texas twirlers. Do you have an idea or some information we could use to help highlight our sport? Contact us at and we would love to hear more about it. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Collegiate Twirler Spotlight - University of Texas

Hello Texas Twirl Fans!

College Football is back in our lives full swing, and we could not be more excited for the amazing college twirling that is already happening this season! We are excited to continue featuring these talented athletes, and we hope you will enjoy learning more about them too!

Each season this blog likes to get to know many of our awesome Texas twirlers a little better by learning about their experiences. We will be meeting many High School twirlers throughout the season with the Friday Night Lights Features and discovering more about our Texas Collegians with the Collegiate Twirler Spotlights. We will also be having many of our High School and Collegiate twirlers take over our social media Story for their Game Days! Make sure to follow us on Instagram @twirlingiscatchingtx or at so you don't miss a thing!

This week’s Collegiate Twirler Spotlight is the University of Texas Feature Twirler!

The University of Texas, located in Austin, Texas, is the home of the Longhorns, and currently the #1 Rated College Football team in the country! It is also the home of a long line of amazing Longhorn Feature Twirlers, including current UT Feature Twirler, Aidyn Mentry!

Attending such a well-known University comes with some fun facts and cool opportunities. As Aidyn tells us, “The University of Texas is the only NCAA division 1 school with burnt orange as one of our colors! The Longhorn Feature Twirler also gets a special solo performance at the end of the 3rd quarter to the song Wabash Cannonball, and now I am able to do it with fire batons!”

In order to earn this prestigious position, we asked Aidyn what the audition process was like. “My audition process was a little different because of COVID but it was still a standard 2 round audition process. Round 1 was an audition video, resume, essay, recommendation letters, and a few other pieces of information. Round 2 was a live audition to 3 music pieces, with one being a full halftime show. After the live audition there was a panel interview.”

Earning the position of Longhorn Feature Twirler is always a dream come true for those that get the honor, and attending UT was an easy one for Aidyn. “It had been my dream school forever because it was the number 1 school in the world for advertising! I knew that I needed to prioritize academics over anything else in my college search, but when I found out that the twirler spot would open at the perfect time for me to audition, it felt like the stars aligned and I knew that it was meant to be!”

Aidyn, who is originally from Virginia, came to Texas from out of state. While that can be a tough decision for many, it was always the right choice for her. “I knew I wanted to branch out and move away from the town I grew up in, so I set a list of things that I wanted in a college out of state. My requirements were: top advertising school, warm, BIG student body, great football, creative atmosphere, lots to do, and felt like home…. Texas was the perfect fit! No place felt like home to me until the first time I visited Austin!”

With getting the opportunity to attend her dream school, there has to be so many things that Aidyn loves about the University, but she says the thing she loves the most is the people! “As silly as it sounds, it’s pretty cool to know that you have a ton in common with someone when you see them throw up our iconic hand sign No matter what walk of life or experiences that someone has had, there is a unity and common love shared between all past and present longhorns that feels so special! I could brag about a million things about my school, but the people are what make it so unique!”

The University of Texas has so many amazing traditions including Lighting the tower, Smokey the Cannon, Big Bertha, and “of course saying Hook ‘Em to every single person that wears burnt orange once you leave campus!” The members of the band program also make some wonderful memories together. Aidyn told us about one of her favorites. “My favorite is top secret until you are an official member of the Longhorn Band, but a close second is the Pizza Tree after our first performance of the year! As you can imagine, 430 people eat a LOT of pizzas. We take over 100 pizza boxes and stack them up 2 stories tall while eating pizza. Then, we sing Christmas carols to the pizza tree until it gets too tall and topples over!”

With this being Aidyn’s Senior Season, we know everything is special to her, but we wanted to know what she is looking forward to the most this Fall, and she said she is counting the days until the Texas A&M game. “I can’t wait for our Texas A&M rivalry to come back after more than 10 years! We will travel to College Station to play the Aggies, and I can’t wait to twirl on Kyle Field and show them what Longhorns are made of!”

Now that we have learned more about the University of Texas, let's learn more about Aidyn!

Aidyn Mentry,
Competition Level: Collegiate

Aidyn has been twirling for 14 years. She is a member of Twirl ATX and is coached by Whitney Coons. The competition placements she is the proudest of earning was being named a 2025 Team USA representative for Artistic Twirl at Nations Cup and winning the 2024 College Miss Majorette of America Modeling and Interview. Her favorite competition tricks are a one-spin triple illusion or reverse right toss flat double slap catch right, and her favorite field tricks are a one-spin illusion walkover catch front aerial or anything three baton. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by Laney Puhalla, Jameson Kenerly, and Savannah Miller. After college, Aidyn plans to continue her work in Marketing. “I will hopefully end up in ATX or NYC working in marketing for a major entertainment company, using my knowledge of strategy, psychoanalytic research, and biometric tracking to create branded experiences! I will also continue to coach, design costumes for Sew Stoppers, and work towards my judge's license!”

Fun Facts!
  • Favorite Color – Burnt Orange ;)
  • Favorite TV Show or Movie – “Hunger Games or anything true crime.”
  • Favorite Book – “Everything, Everything”

Must have Game Day Snack/Drink…
“Celsius and apple sauce pouches, 3 of each every single gameday... at a minimum.”

Favorite Quote…
“Pressure makes diamonds!”

When she is not twirling, she loves to…
“Work out, design & rhinestone twirling costumes, bake, listen to new music, and attempt to find the best latte in Austin with my friends!”

Something people might not know about her is… 
“I am partially responsible for the invention of Extra Toasty Cheez-its.”

The best non twirling life skill she has gained from baton twirling is… 
“Time management! I work 4 jobs and take 16 hours of classes. Without twirling teaching me balance, I would be so stressed, but I love being busy all the time and staying involved in the campus community!”

The most memorable advice from her coach… 
“Nerves just mean that you care and that your body is anxious to show off what you have taught it in practice!”

Advice to future Collegiate twirlers… 
“Say yes to every opportunity! Every chance that you get to twirl in your community, take a picture with a fellow twirler, enter in a small contest, or talk about twirling to a stranger will help you to become a better twirler and representative of the sport!”

Funniest memory as a baton twirler… 
“Lana Del Ray offered to clasp my costume at last year's Red River Rivalry game, I was in shock! Then she asked me for a selfie!”

Favorite thing about marching season… 
“The excitement of "shaking the fringe" and singing and dancing with my friends before every performance.”

What will you miss most when marching season is over… 
“Seeing my best friends every single day! I take for granted all of the little conversations on water breaks and all of the high fives on the way to set, I will miss those so much!”

We want to thank Aidyn for sharing her Game Day with us, and we greatly enjoyed learning more about her in this interview. We wish her and the Longhorns an amazing rest of the season. Hook Em! 

We hope you have enjoyed this blog post. We are always looking for great new stories about Texas twirlers. Do you have an idea or some information we could use to help highlight our sport? Contact us at and we would love to hear more about it. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Friday Night Lights Feature - Jacksonville High School

Hello Texas Twirl Fans!

What a great weekend of Texas twirlers on both the high school and collegiate fields. We just love seeing those smiling faces where they belong. So much joy and so many sparkles! We also loved following this week’s Friday Night Lights Feature this past Friday as they took over the Instastory, and we are excited to learn more about them! 

Each season this blog likes to get to know many of our awesome Texas twirlers a little better by learning about their experiences. We will be meeting many High School twirlers throughout the season with the Friday Night Lights Features and discovering more about our Texas Collegians with the Collegiate Twirler Spotlights. We will also be having many of our High School and Collegiate twirlers take over our social media Story for their Game Days! Make sure to follow us on Instagram @twirlingiscatchingtx or at so you don't miss a thing!

Our next Friday Night Lights Feature is the Jacksonville High School Twirlers!

Jacksonville High School, located in Jacksonville, Texas, is the home of the Indians, and a great twirling program! With a large number of twirlers on both the High School and Middle School level, Jacksonville is a great community for supporting these athletes, and you know we love to see it! 

For the 2024-2025 season, Jacksonville High School has 13 Twirlers representing the Royal Blue, Gold, and White each Game Day under those stadium lights. The Jacksonville Twirlers include Adriana Munoz (Feature Twirler), Juliana Salazar (Captain), Angeles Grimaldo (Senior Lieutenant), Andrea Tavera (1st Lieutenant), Logan Fontenot (Senior Drum Major), Abbey Barrier (Junior Drum Major), Gisella Casas, Sophie McNeill, Kenley Penn, Jessica Sims, Emery Stephens, Malayla Travis, and Alyssa Wright.

An interesting fact about Jacksonville is that they are proud of the Downtown Historic Tomato Bowl. “It is one of the last remaining downtown stadiums in Texas. It was originally built in 1930 and was completely surrounded by rock walls that were built with area rock and local labor. It underwent a complete renovation in 2018 but the surrounding walls and entry remained intact. Jacksonville is also known for holding the record of the largest bowl of salsa! We love our DELICIOUS home-grown Jacksonville tomatoes and even host a tomato fest in June every year.”

With such a fun claim to fame for the town, the school had to have its own interesting backstory, and of course it did. “Before the High School was renovated and added on to, a 7ft Indian and Maiden statue sat on top of the roof. Rumor has it, a few students in the 90’s stole the statues and later returned them during the renovations. They now sit in our student commons area bolted to the ground.”

It isn’t easy to create such a big twirling presence in just any school, but JHS has had a long history of Twirling Lines. “However, the last known Feature twirler for JHS was in 1974. This year will be the first time JHS has had a Feature Twirler in 50 years, and we are super excited to be able to feature Adriana!”

As for how they earned their positions, they all go through a rigorous audition process that takes a whole week! “We learn a fast pace 1 baton dance twirl Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. On Thursday, we demonstrate the group routine as well as our multi baton solos. Solos must contain 1, 2, and 3 baton technique! Girls trying out for an officer position also put together an audition binder that consists of answering multiple essays and short answer prompts. Then, they have an interview with the coach, BreiAnn Gee, and Head Band Director, Donnie Barrier. On Wednesday of tryouts, they are also responsible for cleaning and critiquing parts of the team routine. Girls trying out for Feature Twirler are asked to put together a 1.5-2-minute field routine to a classic military march of their choice.”

Once their twirling positions are set, they have so many fun things to look forward to. “Our favorites are Homecoming and all of the senior festivities! We host a pep rally in the street before homecoming! The whole downtown has to be blocked off. During senior week we host a Senior Bonfire where we burn pallets painted by the senior class members. Another great tradition is that during the school song at home games we light “the Flaming J” It signifies the burning spirit of JHS and has been touted as one of the top ten high school traditions in Texas!”

As a part of the band program, these twirlers also get the benefits of being a part of a state level military band. “There are many special things about being in the JHS band, which makes us really feel the impact when we all yell PRIDE when called to attention. Another great benefit is when you enter band as a freshman you are adopted by a senior and have a senior buddy to help guide you through your first year in high school. Also, every week the twirlers pick “Section of the Week” and award them for their hard work with candy at the football game!” 

Now that we have learned more about JHS, lets learn more about the twirlers!

Adriana Munoz,
Senior & Feature Twirler
Competition Level: Intermediate

Adriana has been twirling for six years. She is coached by BreiAnn Gee with help from Patti Mickey. In baton twirling, she is the proudest of being a two time Grand Champion in the Twirl Productions competitions. Her favorite competition trick is a horizontal one spin illusion, and her favorite field trick is a toss front walkover. After High School, she hopes to twirl in college and work toward being an aesthetician. 

Logan Fontenot,
Senior Drum Major
Competition Level: Emerald (TPU)
Logan has been twirling for 6 years and is coached by BreiAnn Gee. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was “winning top team because we all work so hard to be as good as we are”. Her favorite competition trick is a 3 turn, and her favorite field trick is when “we toss it, roll onto the ground, and catch it”. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by SFA Feature Twirler Kellen Coke. “She is so amazing at what she does, and I wish I could be like her.” After High School, Logan plans to go to college to become a speech pathologist. 

Juliana Salazar,
Senior Captain
Competition Level: Novice

Juliana has been twirling for eight years. She is coached for school by Breiann Gee and is also a member of ZAP twirling coached by Shelby Cumbie. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was when they won the large team Grand Champions through Twirl Productions Unlimited with the team, and then held the title for 3 years. Her favorite competition trick is a two around the world reverse fishtail, and her favorite field trick is full team three baton boxes. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by World Champion, Joel Claudio. “I've seen him twirl in person and he amazes me.” After High School, Juliana plans to attend UT Austin or Baylor and majoring in Political Science/Government while on a pre-law track.

Angeles Grimaldo,
Senior Lieutenant
Competition Level: Novice

Angeles has been twirling for 8 years. She is coached for school by Breiann Gee, and is also a member of ZAP twirling coached by Shelby Cumbie. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was the Large team Grand Champion title at the Circle of Champions competition. “We have held that title for 3 straight years!” Her favorite competition trick is three baton boxes, and her favorite field trick is three baton juggles. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by National Champion Joel Claudio. After High School, Angeles plans to either go to UT Austin or University of Houston and major in Government or Political Science.

Jessica Sims,
Competition Level: Novice

Jessica has been twirling for six years. She is coached by BreiAnn Gee. Her favorite competition trick is a toss cartwheel, and her favorite field trick is any partner passes. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her best friend Logan. After High School, Jessica plans to attend college for two years to become a vet tech. 

Alyssa Wright,
Competition Level: Novice

Alyssa has been twirling for seven years. She is coached by BreiAnn Gee. The competition title she is the proudest of was when their team won the NBTA Southwest Regional Halftime Show HS Majorette Team event. Her favorite competition is anything with two batons, and her favorite field trick is a toss illusion. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her coach, BreiAnn Gee. After High School she plans to attend UT Tyler to major in nursing.  

Andrea Tavera,
Junior 1st Lieutenant
Competition Level: Novice

Andrea has been twirling for five years. She is coached by BreiAnn Gee. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was receiving the title of Miss Twirl Productions. Her favorite competition trick is anything with three baton, and her favorite field trick is a toss illusion. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her coach and her family. “I wouldn’t be where I stand today if I didn’t have all of their support.” After High School, she hopes to twirl somewhere in college, and become a pediatrician.
Abbey Barrier,
Junior Drum Major
Competition Level: Beginner

Abbey has been twirling for ten years. For school she is coached by BreiAnn Gee, but she is also a member of Twirl Revolutions where she is coached by Jeri Coke and Kellen Coke. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was when she won the Junior Miss Dallas Basic Skills pageant. Her favorite competition trick is a toss front angel, and her favorite field trick is any leap (Grand Jete , Tour Jete, Press Up, etc.). In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by twirling legend, Annetta Lucero. “She is so awesome! #twirlstrong”. After High School, she hopes to be a feature twirler at TJC, and then transfer to the University of Arkansas to become a pediatric psychiatrist specializing in medicine.

Sophie McNeill,
Competition Level: Novice

Sophie has been twirling for six years. She is coached by BreiAnn Gee. In baton twirling, she is proudest of winning the title of Premiere Performer. Her favorite competition trick is anything three baton, and her favorite field trick is a toss kick catch behind the back. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her best friend Andrea. After High School, she hopes to attend Stephen F. Austin State University and audition to become a Twirl-o-jack. She also plans to pursue a career in early childhood education. 

Gisella Casas,
Gisella has been twirling for four years. She is coached by BreiAnn Gee. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was when they won the Top Team competition three years in a row. Her favorite competition trick is a toss illusion and her favorite field trick is a two turn. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her teammate, Andrea Tavera. After High School she plans on working in the medical field as a registered nurse.

Malayla Travis,
Competition Level: Novice

Malayla has been twirling for four years. She is coached by BreiAnn Gee. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was Miss Twirl Productions Unlimited. Her favorite competition tricks are any roll series, and her favorite field trick is a toss illusion. After High School, she hopes to attend a 4-year University to pursue a healthcare position.

Kenley Penn,
Competition Level: Novice

Kenley has been twirling for three years. She is coached by BreiAnn Gee. The competition title she is the proudest of earning was winning First Place team in the Circle of Champions in 7th grade. Her favorite competition trick is a two turn, and her favorite field tricks are partner tosses. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her teammates. After High School, she plans to go to a good college and eventually get into medical school to become a surgeon.

Emery Stephen,
Competition Level: Novice

Emery has been twirling for three years. She is coached by BreiAnn Gee. The competition title she is the proudest of earning is Miss Twirl Productions Unlimited. Her favorite competition trick is a toss illusion or toss cartwheel, and her favorite field trick is also a toss cartwheel. After High School, she would like to try and go to the University of Arkansas and audition to be a Razorback Twirler.

Fun Facts!
  • Favorite color: Adriana (Green), Purple (Logan & Emery), Emerald Green (Juliana), Blue (Angeles, Jessica, Alyssa, & Kenley), Pink (Abbey, Sophie, & Gisella), Blue or Pink (Andrea), Light Purple or Blue (Malayla)
  • Favorite Movie or TV Show: “All American” (Adriana), “Bruce Almighty” (Logan), “Abbot Elementary” (Juliana), “La La Land or Little Women” (Angeles), “Gilmore Girls” (Jessica, Sophie, & Kenley), “Big Brother” (Alyssa), “Reba” (Abbey), “Dance Moms” (Andrea), “Duck Dynasty” (Malayla), “The Hunger Games” (Emery)
  • Favorite Book: “The Bird and The Sword” (Logan), “This is Where it Ends” (Juliana), “Better Than the Movies” by Lynn Painter (Angeles), “The Uglies” by Scott Westerfeld (Abbey), “We’ll Always Have Summer” by Jenny Han (Sophie), “The Little Prince” (Andrea), “The Darkest Minds” (Kenley), “Percy Jackson” (Emery)

Must have Game Day snack…

  • Adriana - “Cheez Its and LOTS OF WATER.”
  • Logan - “Sour punch straws.”
  • Juliana - “Sweet Tea or Dr. Pepper.”
  • Angeles - “Water.”
  • Jessica - “Blue Sour Punch Straws.”
  • Alyssa - “Airhead strips and a Gatorade from the concession stand.”
  • Andrea - “I have to have an energy drink or trail mix!”
  • Abbey - “Sweet Tea and chips.”
  • Sophie - “Cheez Its!”
  • Gisella - “Pretzels and water.”
  • Malayla - “Green grapes
  • Kenley - “Nerdy Gummy Clusters.”
  • Emery - “Lay’s Chips”

Favorite Quote…

  • Logan - "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
  • Juliana - "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
  • Angeles - “Everything happens for a reason.”
  • Jessica - “God is within her she will not fall.”
  • Andrea - “Always strive to do your better, don’t just hope that you’ve done the best that you can.”
  • Abbey - "The world is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalms 119,105)
  • Gisella - "If anything is worth doing it's worth overdoing".
  • Malayla - “Commit everything you do to the lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.” Psalm 37:5
  • Kenley - Psalm 46:5 
  • Emery - “Progress, not perfection.”

When they are not twirling, they love to…
  • Adriana - “Take walks with my dog, Coco Chanel.”
  • Logan - “Hang out with my friends.”
  • Juliana - “Hang out with my friends and online shop.”
  • Angeles - “Read.”
  • Jessica & Alyssa - “Hangout with my friends.”
  • Andrea - “Go out with my friends.”
  • Abbey - “I love to craft! (ex. Making mums , floral arrangements, etc.)”
  • Sophie - “Spend time with my family and friends.”
  • Gisella - “I love to crochet.”
  • Malayla - “Play soccer. I play for FC Dallas. I also love going to the lake with my friends.”
  • Kenley - “Read or play volleyball.”
  • Emery - “Read and draw.”

Something people might not know about them is…

  • Adriana - “I have three sisters.”
  • Logan - “I'm good at drawing.”
  • Juliana - “I have a pet turkey whose name is Edgar.”
  • Angeles - “I broke my wrist when I was in third grade by falling off the monkey bars.”
  • Alyssa - “I'm terrified of frogs.”
  • Andrea - “I am involved in FFA as well as many other organizations!”
  • Abbey - “I started twirling when I was 7!”
  • Sophie - “I used to be a theater kid!”
  • Gisella - “I enjoy math.”
  • Malayla - “I love to travel.”
  • Kenley - “I am an animal lover.”
  • Emery - “I love traveling. My favorite place is the Mountains!”

The best non twirling life skill they have learned from twirling is…
  • Logan - “How to face my fears of going in front of large crowds.”
  • Juliana - “I have learned to work with others and make close friendships with those that I collaborate with daily.”
  • Angeles - “How to project to an audience.”
  • Jessica - “Learning to not give up.”
  • Alyssa - “Twirling has taught me to be confident in myself.”
  • Andrea - “If I practice and work hard, it will eventually pay off.”
  • Abbey - “Learning how to work with others.”
  • Sophie - “I have to be somewhere 15 minutes before I'm supposed to be there all the time!”
  • Gisella - “I have learned to be on time and to schedule events.”
  • Kenley - “You can’t control what someone else does.”

The most memorable advice from their coach(es)…
  • Adriana - “Stop being scared. JUST GO!”
  • Logan - “Always go full out in practice because you perform how you practice.”
  • Juliana - “To not let the little things affect me.”
  • Angeles - “To not let drops ruin my performance. My coaches have told me that I can't show my frustration during a routine. Even if the performance is not going the way I wanted it to, having a negative attitude during the routine will not help my chances of performing well.”
  • Alyssa - “One performance does not define who you are or how good of a twirler you are.”
  • Andrea - “‘I can do it,’ even when I doubt myself. She believes that I can accomplish so many things and pushes me to grow as a twirler.”
  • Abbey - “I'm going to consider my band director as a coach of sorts, but before every marching performance he tells us to "Take This Field," meaning that no matter where we are, the field is ours until we march off it.”
  • Sophie -  "0.1 is better than 0.5!!"
  • Malayla - “God would never give you a mountain that he knew you couldn’t move.”
  • Kenley - “Effort speaks volumes.”

Advice to future high school twirlers…
  • Adriana - “Make lots of memories while you can!”
  • Logan - “Enjoy it while it lasts because it doesn't last long and you'll miss the things you didn't think you would.”
  • Juliana - “Enjoy it as much as you can and don't ever become discouraged, you will get it.”
  • Angeles - “Know that freshman year is not easy. It can be a stressful year but do not let it bring you down. You are just starting to learn the new normal and after freshman year everything gets a lot easier.”
  • Jessica - “It’s going to be hard and frustrating sometimes, but keep going! You’ll be glad in the end.”
  • Alyssa - “High school goes by very fast! Enjoy it!”
  • Andrea - “Always practice and have a positive attitude! It will get you very far.”
  • Abbey - “Keep continuing to learn and grow in your abilities, you will be so shocked on the progress you will make, so take those private lessons and work for it because it will be so rewarding.”
  • Sophie - “PRACTICE!! You might not see it now, but the progress will show!”
  • Gisella - “I would tell incoming high school twirlers to stay on top of things and do their part.”
  • Kenley - “Be prepared because it’s a lot and it’s okay if you make mistakes here and there. Just correct yourself and learn from it!”
  • Emery - “Always bring water!”

Funniest memory as a twirler…

  • Logan - “When we were just learning how to march, and our captain would say ‘WHAT ARE WE NOT GONNA LEAVE?!’ and we had to yell back ‘CRUMBS!!!’”
  • Juliana - “At the UTSA game when Sophie, my fellow team member, got her bag stuck in the stands and was panicking.”
  • Angeles - “When my coach's daughter, Caroline Gee, called me the "Big Bad Wolf" because of my curly hair. That nickname has stuck with me since then.”
  • Alyssa - “Staying in a haunted hotel when we went to San Antonio to twirl at the UTSA game.”
  • Andrea - “Definitely when we pass around a pink wig during pink out!”
  • Abbey - “Anytime I hang out with the other juniors Sophie and Andrea. You cannot possibly hold a straight face when we all get together. They definitely keep it fun.”
  • Sophie - “The Southwest Regionals trip when we would take photos of each other and pretend it was chain mail!”
  • Gisella - “Performing every Friday.”
  • Kenley - “The time we all went wakeboarding.”
  • Emery - “All the things that happen at SFA twirling camp.”

Favorite thing about marching season…
  • Adriana - “Learning new drill and getting to be our first Feature Twirler in 50 years!”
  • Logan - “All the dancing we do, and especially singing Hey Baby with the band.”
  • Juliana - “Going to Baylor when we qualify for state.”
  • Angeles - “Being able to perform at the Baylor Stadium.”
  • Alyssa - “Going to state and marching at Mclane Stadium.”
  • Andrea - “I love getting to know the sections and all the neat things they do during marching season!”
  • Abbey - “Getting to learn and perform the drill.”
  • Sophie - “The bonds you form with the people around you in the drill.”
  • Gisella - “I will miss being around friends more often when marching season is over.”
  • Malayla -  “Going to all the football games and losing my voice from yelling!”
  • Kenley - “Seeing everyone excited.”
  • Emery - “Learning all the marching patterns.”

What are they going to miss the most once marching season is over…

  • Adriana - “Being able to march with the twirlers one more time.”
  • Logan - “I'm going to miss the excitement and nerves and adrenaline and dancing with all of my 
  • friends and seeing everyone together, happy.”’
  • Juliana - “The bus rides to events and being extremely pleased with our results in the past years.”
  • Angeles - “Doing sideline chants with my best friends.”
  • Alyssa - “Football games and dancing in the stand with the band.”
  • Andrea - “I will most definitely miss all of the seniors graduating, because they have been with me throughout my whole high school journey. I wish them the best of luck once this season ends because we have grown a very strong bond and I hope to keep it for as long as we can!”
  • Abbey - “Friday Night Lights!”
  • Sophie - “I'll miss singing "Hey Baby" with my friends at the top of our lungs.”
  • Malayla - “All the late-night bus rides home with my teammates.”
  • Kenley - “I will miss Friday night games the most.”
  • Emery - “All the football games!”

We have enjoyed learning more about these wonderful Jacksonville Twirlers, and we hope you did too. We wish them all an amazing rest of their season. Once an Indian, always an Indian. J’s Up!

We hope you have enjoyed this blog post. We are always looking for great new stories about Texas twirlers. Do you have an idea or some information we could use to help highlight our sport? Contact us at and we would love to hear more about it.