Thursday, September 12, 2024

Collegiate Twirler Spotlight - Oklahoma State University

Hello Texas Twirl Fans!

We just love that College Football is back in full swing. The past few weekends have included some awesome field twirling. We loved getting to follow along with a #TeamTexas Twirler turned OSU Feature Twirler as her and her co-feature took over our Instastory on Saturday, and now we are excited to have them as this week’s Collegiate Twirler Spotlight.

Each season this blog likes to get to know many of our awesome Texas twirlers a little better by learning about their experiences. We will be meeting many High School twirlers throughout the season with the Friday Night Lights Features and discovering more about our Texas Collegians with the Collegiate Twirler Spotlights. We will also be having many of our High School and Collegiate twirlers take over our Social Media Story for their Game Days! Make sure to follow us on Instagram @twirlingiscatchingtx or at so you don't miss a thing!

Our first Collegiate Twirler Spotlight of the season is the Oklahoma State University Feature Twirlers!

Oklahoma State University, located in Stillwater, Oklahoma, is the home of the Cowboys, and as of this August, it is also the home of Feature Twirlers Jaidyn Poole and Callan Hall! 

This season, Jaidyn and Callan have brought twirling back to Boone Pickens Stadium with style and flair. “We haven’t had twirlers here in two years, so we are so excited to bring it back this year!” In order to earn the honor of wearing the orange and black, they had to go through an extensive audition process. “Our audition process is two rounds consisting of a virtual round and an in-person audition. For our virtual round we had to submit videos of us twirling and our resume, and for the in person round we performed three routines to set music, a one baton, two baton, and combined 1, 2, and 3 baton routine. We also go through an interview portion.”

Both Jaidyn and Callan have come to OSU from out of State. Jaidyn is from Texas, and Callan is from Kansas. We asked both of them what encouraged them to look at, and ultimately commit to, OSU. Callan told us, “I came here because they have a brand new nursing program and it isn’t too far of a drive from my hometown. I loved the campus, and because I made it as a twirler!” Jaidyn also loved the campus. “I came here because the campus is beautiful, it's the perfect size of school, they have a great fashion merchandising program, and because I made it as a twirler!”

Making the decision to go out of state is always a big one, but it was an easy choice for both of them. “We are both from out of state, and we wanted to try something new, and meet new people, but we were so glad that we get to go through it all together!”

Being new to the OSU campus, these two twirlers have been able to have many amazing experiences. We wanted to know what has been the most exciting part of their first month in Still water. “We love all of the school spirit and how nice everyone is here on campus! We are also both a part of Greek life and love being involved! We love the game day traditions and taking the field with the Cowboy Marching Band.”

Speaking of Game Day traditions, we asked Jaidyn and Callan what their favorite has been so far, and they already have many! They said they love doing the walk into the stadium on game days, but they are also super excited for their first OSU homecoming and the parades! They also love what they call “Orange Friday”, which is when they all wear orange on the Fridays before game days.

Now that we have learned more about life at OSU, let’s learn more about Jaidyn & Callan!

Jaidyn Poole,
Competition Level: Advanced

Jaidyn has been twirling for 10 years. She is a member of the Mickey’s Majorettes and is coached by Patti Mickey and Kayli Mickey-McIntosh. The competition titles Jaidyn is the proudest of earning was when she placed Top 10 in the 2024 Miss Majorette of America competition, and holding the titles of 2023 Miss Majorette of the Southwest and 2024 Miss Majorette of Texas. Her favorite competition tricks are any sort of back neck combination or her toss stationary leap, catch in the split, and her favorite field tricks are toss walkovers or toss aerials. In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her coaches and the other collegiate twirlers on her team. After college, Jaidyn hopes to work in Fashion Merchandising for a designer brand.

Callan Hall
Competition Level: Advanced

Callan has been twirling for 14 years. She is a member of Shannon’s Stars and is coached by Shannon Meis and Lauren Cox. The competition placement Callan is the proudest of earning was either when she placed 6th in the NBTA Collegiate Solo Finals as a freshman this past summer, or when she won her first national title. Her favorite competition trick is a horizontal toss with a toe roll to stand up from the floor, and her favorite field trick is a leg bounce with a “Go Pokes” under it! In baton twirling, she has been most inspired by her coaches. “I grew up watching one of them compete and I always remember how watching her do what she loves made me feel!” After college, Callan hopes to work as a labor and delivery nurse.

Fun Facts!
• Favorite Color – Pink (Jaidyn & Callan)
• Favorite TV Show – Grey’s Anatomy (Jaidyn & Callan) 
Favorite Book – “Any mystery series” (Jaidyn), The Bible :) (Callan) 

Must have Game Day Snack/Drink…
  • Both - "Peach rings, watermelon sour patch kids, and WATERRRR!" 
  • PLUS - Celsius for Jaidyn and coffee for Callan!

Favorite Quote or Life Motto…
  • Jaidyn - “I always remind myself that I get out what I put in for everything I do. Do everything for yourself and set your own goals. Getting caught up in comparing yourself to others will not help you succeed.”
  • Callan - Psalm 34:4-5 “I sought the lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all of my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant their faces are never covered with shame.” or Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

When they are not twirling, they love to…

  • Jaidyn - “Hang out with my friends, family, and especially my dogs. Try new restaurants and go shopping!”
  • Callan - “Go to church, hang with my friends and family, and play sports!”

Something people might not know about them…
  • Jaidyn - “I was captain of my dance team in high school and have four dogs!” 
  • Callan - “I played 3 sports in High school (not including baton).”

The best non twirling life skill they have gained from baton twirling is… 
  • Jaidyn - “Confidence and determination. I have learned so much about how important mentality is going into a competition. Through the years I had grown to believe in myself and all the work i put in at the gym. Twirling has taught me how to be accountable and put in those extra hours of practice in order to be my best.”
  • Callan - “Leadership and determination! I always looked up to the older girls and it is important for me to be a good role model for the younger girls on my team. And determination is obvious because twirling can be frustrating but remember to never give up!!”

The most memorable advice from their coach(es)… 
  • Jaidyn - “My coach Patti has always told me to yawn whenever I get nervous. It may seem funny, but it really works!”
  • Callan - “‘Competitions are a performance!! Don’t think of it as competing!’ My coaches are the best and always give me pep talks. I can't even pick my favorite thing!” 

Advice to future Collegiate twirlers… 
  • Jaidyn - “I would say to just always be flexible and keep an open mind. You never know where you will end up and college twirling is such an amazing opportunity. Don’t take anything for granted and say yes to any opportunities that come your way!”
  • Callan - “When you are looking for a college, pay close attention to the people and how the environment makes you feel!! Enjoy every moment. I will never forget my first game!”

Funniest memory as a baton twirler… 
  • Jaidyn - “All of the fun inside jokes I have made with my teammates and coaches while spending time together in the gym.”
  • Callan - “My baton teacher cutting my hair at nationals before modeling!”

Favorite thing about marching season… 
  • Jaidyn - “Having the opportunity to really bond with the Cowboy Marching band has been amazing. Me and Callan have gotten close with the drum majors and have made so many friends in the band. It’s great to be a part of such an amazing group of musicians and get to experience game-day alongside them.”
  • Callan - “I loved band camp and getting to hang out with our coaches!! And I love making memories with Jaidyn and getting closer with the drum majors.”

What will they miss most when marching season is over… 
  • Jaidyn - “I will miss doing the walk into the stadium. The fans at Oklahoma State are amazing and I will miss all the pictures I get to take with aspiring twirlers.”
  • Callan - “I will miss taking the field and miss spending time with my coaches, Jaidyn, and the drum majors.”

Thanks to Jaidyn & Callan for sharing their awesome takeover. We really enjoyed learning more about OSU Game Days and seeing these two wonderful twirlers in action. Congrats ladies, and we wish you both a fantastic remainder of your season. Go Pokes!

We hope you have enjoyed this blog post. We are always looking for great new stories about Texas twirlers. Do you have an idea or some information we could use to help highlight our sport? Contact us at and we would love to hear more about it. 

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